Tag Archives: m’s bog

“7kita 3ala facebook w maraddit” is not a business approach

So is “Ba3atella DM on instagram w ma raddit”
Being A digital consultant, I find it often that people are interested in working with bloggers, digital influencers, or talents. Sometimes directors would find an actress so fitting for a specific role, that they send her a private message.


I also hear this often “I sent her a message on instagram and on facebook, she did not reply, she is probably sheyfeh hala”, while on the other hand there are numerous numbers of bloggers waiting for sponsors, for content, and there are so many talented actresses and models feeling unappreciated.


What should you do?
– Every blogger/ actress has contact information on their socials: Send them an email or call their personal numbers. Don’t just wait for a message on Facebook. That is you being unprofessional, not them being cocky.


– When not getting a reply, send a reminder after 3 days, then another one after 2 weeks.


– (If you still did not get a reply and you are still after this specific person) Figure out a medium. Think of a person who would know her personal number or email and contact that person.

– Contact Talent Agents and Agencies for assistance (they usually have contact information of talents)


  • The new instagram links you directly to a person’s contact
  • Many professionals have their numbers put on LinkedIn
  • Bloggers that do not have a contact number on their socials probably do not want to be contacted (so if you are a blogger and aiming for sponsors and proposals, put it there!)
  • When signing deals and talking MONEY with the assistance of a talent agent or medium, ask for a meeting for the 3 of you together. Chances are big that some projects do not go though because the “person in the middle” wants a bigger commission or is not transmitting the right info about a specific activity


While mostly all businesses exist on facebook and instagram, both are still NOT BUSINESS platforms. You want to raise a complaint, send an inquiry, or ask for a favor SEND AN EMAIL, CALL THE NUMBER, and ASK FOR A F2F MEETING.

Much Love!